SMT receives a large percentage of its operating costs from generous donors. We are very grateful for their support. Make your tax-deductible contribution by clicking the donate link below. Donations are processed using PayPal and are quick, easy and secure.
Here are just a few of the things that make SMT a place you should feel great about giving your financial support to:
SMT creates non-judgmental, non-hierarchical and playful environments for adults of all ages to ask vital questions through dialogue and artistic practices.
SMT is truly interdisciplinary, merging disciplines, mediums and methods of research from fine arts, humanities, sciences, performing arts and music.
Collaboration is built into the fabric of everything that happens at SMT—yielding works, thoughts and experiences that can’t be realized in any other place.
SMT is an innovative school dedicated to giving our "students" the opportunity to learn—and teach—using progressive pedagogical models.