RAISING THE DEAD: CONTEXTUAL GENEALOGY AND COMMUNITY MEMORY WORKthis class will help us to interweave cultural/class context and buried ecologies with genealogy, creating stories that reflect the lived experiences of the people we are descended from who have been erased from the living memory of this land - enslaved and self-liberated people, Indigenous people, women, workers, migrants, queers, scammers, and outlaws. I will share tools to look for clues of people’s lived experiences in examining their origin point, their time of existence, and the social patterns that surrounded them. Tools will include research methodologies, the incorporation of plant and mushroom allies into our process, and altar-building as invocation of deep earth-focused memory.
Tuesdays, 6-8 PM EST (3-5PM PST)
Online on Zoom 120 minute sessions, 4 weeks February 4th - 25th $125 - $375 Tuition Select scholarships and solidarity rate discounts available upon request. |
i am a memory keeper based in nyc who seeks to repair our relationships to this hypersettled land on which we've experienced both bondage and freedom, greeting the spirits who peer out from the cracks in the concrete. i draw my knowledge of territory from both ecosystem and archives - diving deep into the realm of traditional research, then pulling out to ask elements, ancestors, and more-than-human kin which stories are ready to be shared. Image credit: Elle Pérez